Western Herd Blue Jumper IPA Calorie count

How Many Calories Are Really in Your Western Herd?

When it comes to enjoying a pint, we often hear the term “beer belly” thrown around. But is your beer really the culprit, or is it a mix of other habits? Let’s break it down and put the calorie count in some perspective, especially when it comes to Western Herd’s range. And use the calorie calculator for beer to make informed snacking decisions.


Take our flagship County Clare Pale Ale, for example. A 440ml can of this flavour-packed ale clocks in at about 170 calories. Compare that to 2 chocolate digestive biscuits you might have with your tea, which contains around 160 calories, or a standard packet of crisps, which is roughly 170 calories. So, next time you’re watching the game, sipping on an ice cold beer instead of munching on snacks could actually balance out your treat intake.

On the heavier side, if you’re reaching for a pint of our hoppy Blue Jumper IPA, you’re looking at closer to 250 calories per 440ml beer can. That’s on par with a bar of chocolate but provides the depth of flavour that keeps you coming back for more.

For all your math nerds, here’s a quick formula based on the ABV and volume to use as a calorie calculator for beer.

(ABV * 2.5) /( Volume (ml)/1000) * 6.9 = Calories

Applying this formula for Blue Jumper IPA:

(6.2 ∗ 2.5) / (440/1000) ∗ 6.9= 243 Calories

The key takeaway? Like everything in life, moderate consumption is key. Beer is often wrongly demonised when it comes to calories, especially compared to those late-night snack temptations. So, next time you settle down to watch your favourite show, grab a Western Herd beer instead and enjoy without worrying too much about the waistline.

Everything in moderation—including moderation itself!